Last Will and Testament
Accomplished Last Will And Testament Attorneys
The topic of estate planning is often a tough one. Often times prospective clients will state that they have put the topic off for years.
By executing a Last Will and Testament, we are able to give direction as to the distribution of our assets.
A Last Will and Testament can also be used to restrict or disinherit the inheritance of a family member. We are also able to nominate the
person who you would like to administer the estate in the Probate Court. This person is known as the personal representative.
Planning Your Will When You Have Minor Children
For those with children, a Last Will and Testament is an important document to consider. The author has the ability to nominate the person
that he or she would like to be guardian over the minor children. Without this nomination, the Probate Court is left with no input from
a deceased parent as to who he or she would like to be guardian.
A guardian is a person appointed on behalf of another to act on their behalf. In most cases, this means that the guardian can make
day-to-day and legal decisions for the minor child.
It is often advisable to execute a Power of Attorney along with a Last Will and Testament.

This allows the author to nominate a person to make legal and or medical decisions on their behalf, should the author be unable to do so in
the future. Prospective clients may also want to consider creating a Trust at this time as well. This allows the creator of the Trust the ability to
outline how he or she would like to distribute their assets, even after death.
Attorney Philip Vera routinely assist clients with the preparation of complete estate plans. This includes Powers of Attorney,
Last Will and Testaments, and Trusts. Whether interested in a Last Will and Testament or a comprehensive estate plan call, click or
tap to schedule a free consultation.